My Too Cool Tshirt Quilt!

During winter break I cleaned out my closet, including my tshirt bin. Like many of you, I have a zillion tshirts but was reluctant to part with them. I might not have worn them for years, but they held sentimental value--from an experience, a race, a time in my life...

But this time, rather than just stack them neatly again and put them back in the back of my closet I hopped on the internet. I knew there were people out there who make tshirts into quilts. This is what I wanted to do.

One of the first sites I found was Too Cool Tshirt Quilts. I loved the examples that were posted. What I particularly loved was that not all of the blocks were the same size.

I emailed Andrea to inquire about the background and binding colors and then separated my tshirts. I had close to 25 tshirts so that would be a large quilt. I was very excited, especially when Andrea suggested a batik binding and told me they had a Crayola-ish blue for the background. I boxed them up and off they went.

Less than 3 weeks later my box arrived at school and my quilt was done!

I love it! She did a great job with the binding (I love the batik colors!) and the stitching was fantastic!

Amazingly (and by coincidence--I know because I asked) she stitched korus on my New Zealand tshirt! It's just awesome.

If you're looking to do the same I really recommend Andrea! Plus, she's from Michigan so you know she's good people. :)


Lauren said...

Oh my gosh!! AMAZING!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!

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